Our Team

Apostle Ravi Paul
Dr. David Samuel
ATS Director - Chennai
Rev. Vareishing Ngashangva
ATS Director - Siliguri
Rev. Biju Das
CAC - Kolkata
Dr. Surya Karada
CAC - Orissa
Pastor Sandeep Pillai
CAC - Mumbai
Report On CAC India Campaign 2017 - 2019
Dear Presiding Apostle George Kouri and the CAC Global Council members,
This is the complete progress report about CAC India Campaign beginning from the year 2017-2018 till date i.e December 2018 and also information consists of upcoming seminars, summits and National Congress for the year 2020.
As you have committed your life and ministry to raise the standard, to blow the trumpet, to restore the
foundations, and reform the Lord’s Church, to birth an authentic apostolic reformation in India, that the cities of India should be transformed and filled with the glory of God. And has been working to bring together apostles, prophets, and apostolic and pastoral church leaders from across India in the Unity of the Spirit to have one agenda, one faith, one communion, one authentic gospel that was preached by Jesus and the original apostles of the lamb and also first ascension gift apostles in the beginning.
Tirelessly you are working for Christ’s Kingdom and to birth an authentic apostolic reformation with a definite strategy, to rediscover and restore the apostolic foundations that the Lord Jesus and His apostolate laid for His Church in the very beginning.
In all the Apostolic leadership seminars, Apostolic summits, you have labored extensively to birth an authentic apostolic reformation by stressing the need for rediscovering these “keys of the Kingdom,” i.e. the revelation of the mysteries of Christ, His Messianic Kingdom, and His Church that Jesus the Christ entrusted to His apostles in the beginning, which was really unknown from ages to the Christendom in India.
I strongly believe that this apostolic movement will bring unity to birth Holy Nation or Apostolic Church that Jesus Himself established in the very beginning. These seminars and summits equipped the saints to fulfill their destiny and calling together.
Apostolic Seminars :
Topic : God’s Agenda for the 21st Century
Purose of these Seminars: GOD’S AGENDA FOR THE 21ST CENTURY is an important message dealing with the need for unity, what it will take to restore the foundations, and reform the Lord’s Church. “This is the message that we need to hear today!”. Theses apostolic seminars in which we reach out to apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, and pastoral leaders who are currently outside of the membership of the CAC or our various member networks, but who are hearing what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to the churches today, who perhaps have even already come out of the present denominational system with its party-spirit, factions, and divisions, but who have not yet clearly or accurately understood the Word of the Kingdom, Gospel of the Kingdom, last days according to Jesus, Peter’s package, or been brought into the fellowship of the apostles, or found placement in the One Holy Apostolic Church (Holy Nation) that Jesus Christ, our great King-Priest.
Apostolic Summits :
Topic : “Christ’s Requirements For An Authentic Apostolic Reformation”
Purpose : The purpose of the Regional Apostolic Summit was to envision, encourage, and empower the Lord's apostles, prophets, evangelists, ruling pastors (bishops/elders) and teachers that were present, and help
them understand the absolute necessity of Christ's ministers working together in the fellowship of the apostles to build one Holy Apostolic Church in the earth (i.e. one Church, made of many churches, joined together or connected in the fellowship of the apostles by apostles and elders). It is only as we do this that Christ's heavenly, universal and eternal Kingdom will be fully manifested over all the earth.
Accomplishments: These Seminars and Summits are bringing a great reformation, revival in India among Senior and emerging leaders , leading them to the recognize, honor and submit to one another as brothers in the Lord and as fellow overseers of His House; working diligently to seek the Lord together to recover the revelation entrusted to the first apostles; working together to restore the fellowship of the apostles and a
functioning “apostolate”. Working towards to restore, restructure, reorder, and reform His Church in every city, region, and nation, so that the allotments of the Israel of God, connected spiritually and functionally through valid “eldership”, might shine forth as One Holy Apostolic Church throughout the whole earth.
Under the Valid Apostolic Oversight of Apostle Michael Daub, South Asia apostolic campaign has been spearheaded by equipping the Five Fold ministers from Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, China, Myanmar in proclaiming the authentic Gospel of the Kingdom through apostolic and prophetic teachings during these seminars.
Total Apostolic Leadership Seminars and Summits were - 35
Total number of Delegates attended – 1350
Total number of Key Cities and Towns Reached – 23
Total Number of networks joined – 71
Total Amount Spent for these Seminars and Summits – $17,798 ( Rs.12,65,000 )
Apostle George Kouri’s Vision:
As Bishop Koui has envisioned to do seminars and summits in all the key cities of India.
The total number of Apostolic leadership seminars – 13 (500 delegates),
Total number of Apostolic Summits in Key Cities of India – 5 ( 282 delegates).
Apostles Theological Seminary (ATS) Satellite Centers :
At ATS you will be given the unique opportunity to research and discover even more about the wonders of the mysteries of Christ, His Messianic Kingdom, and His Holy Apostolic Church, the Israel of the New Covenant. These mysteries were entrusted to the original apostles of the Lamb and the first ascension-gift apostles by the Lord in the very beginning of Messiah's Day. They have been preserved for us in the Canon of the New Testament and are in the process of being revealed to His Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists. Shepherds and Teachers today by the Lord Jesus and His Spirit to enable His five-fold ministers to fully equip His New Covenant saints to become the Holy Nation they have been called to be.
Thus ATS will be the only seminary on the planet offering both a Masters and Doctorate in Apostolic and Prophetic Studies. Our goal is to launch ATS satellite centers in all the key cities of India and South Asia.
Book Translation and Publishing Strategy :
Translating and Printing of Very important books into major languages of India.
1.The CAC Constitution – Completed in Telugu , Hindi and Oriya ( Paid $115 each language)
2.God’s Agenda For The 21st Century(Revised Edition 2017) - Completed in Telugu (Paid $115)
3.The Sign of The Kingdom – Pending
4.Rediscovering The Keys Of The Kingdom - Pending
5.The Non-Negotiables of Apostolic Christianity – Pending
6.The Last Watch
1,000 copies of CAC India brochure was printed and circulated as a part of promotion.
Media Strategy
All the Videos of Apostle George Kouri’s are completed
Digital Marketing of Apostle George Kouri’s Videos, Books, Website, GKI and ATS, Extensively using the social media (promoting and selling of CAC Products).
Your Servant for the sake of Christ’s Kingdom,
Apostle Ravi Paul
(CAC South Asia - Regional Director)